10 Tips for getting your child ready for school

The first day of school is just around the corner! To ensure your child heads off to school with the best possible foundation here are ten tips to make the new school year more successful.
Enforce Healthy Habits
Healthy habits make happy children. Encourage your child to eat a healthy breakfast, get lots of sleep and regular exercise. This is good advice for parents too.
Stick to a Routine
Most kids thrive on structure and respond well to routines. It helps them organize their days. Routines may differ from family to family but the key is familiarity. When children know what to expect they perform better in school.
Create a “Launch Pad”
What’s a launch pad? It is a single place to put backpacks, jackets, shoes, lunchboxes, and school projects every day. Find a place where your child can keep the items he or she needs for school. It makes the morning rush much more manageable.
Designate a Study Space
A designated homework space helps children stay organized and helps them complete their school assignments.
Read, Read, Read and Read Some More!
The written word is the first step to learning, and the more you read to your child, the better chance he or she has of becoming an eager reader.
Learning Happens Everywhere
Look for ways to teach your child throughout the day. For example, cooking combines elements of math and science. Who knew scrambled eggs could be so educational?!
Learn Something New with your Child
Children learn by example. Let your kids “catch” you learning something new.
Talk Often – Ask Questions
Ask your child how their day was; what they learned and who they played with? It makes a difference in their attitude towards school. Give your child the opportunity to express themselves.
Show Interest
Don’t limit your support to your child; extend it to their teachers. Read your child’s agenda it is filled with information about your child and what is happening in the classroom.
Expect Success
Let your child know you believe in them and you know they will do well. This will give them the confidence to do their best.
When teachers, students and parents work together – the possibilities are endless.